Our Mission
We provide long term care and short term rehabilitation. We offer psychological services, food service and laundry service. JCMCF is regulated under Public Act 280 which established the County Medical Care Facility. This is the act that eliminated the term ‘poor house’ or ‘poor farm’ and brought us the term ‘County Medical Care Facility.’ We have a responsibility to take those on Medicaid.
We are the home of up to 194 Residents and the provider for 302 CarePartners and their families. We have a variety of different types of Elders from those living with Dementia and Alzheimer’s to those who have lost limbs to diabetes.
We are not a holding ground for people to go and die. We are a place for people to find new life, new hope, and new joy.
Facts about JCMCF:
Youngest Resident: 48 years old.
Oldest Resident: 99 years young.
11% of our Residents have Jackson County Guardian Services.
Two courtyards that are accessible to our Residents but not to the general public.
WiFi, Cable TV, fireplaces, restaurant style dining, and a full service therapy gym
Youngest CarePartner: 18 years old.
Oldest CarePartner: 72 years old.
Jackson County Medical Care Facility is a 194-bed skilled nursing facility operated under the direction of the Department of Health & Human Services Board.
Administrator: Destiny K. Wilkins, LNHA
Director of Nursing: Jeani Angott, BSN, RN
DHHS Board of Directors: Harry Wilson, Board Chair; Kenny Price, Vice-Chair;
Betsy Youngdahl, Member; and Jaci Caroffino, Member
The DHHS/JCMCF Board will meet on Monday, April 28, 2025, for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting at 9 am beginning with the agenda for JCMCF, followed by the agenda for the DHHS. The meeting will be held at Jackson County Medical Care Facility in the EFG Conference Room.
These meetings are open to the public under the Open Meetings Act. Any questions? Please call JCMCF at 517.782.8500 ext. 105 or Harry Wilson, DHHS Board Chairperson at 517.629.9656.