Updated September 3, 2021: Visits will resume for all Residents beginning September 4. All visits will be by appointment only. All visits will be held in the Lobby.
o JCMCF will be open on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 8 am to 7 pm for visitors. If you have a Care Conference scheduled on Wednesday, we encourage you to attend the Care Conference in person and you are welcome to visit at that time, also. Only those Residents with scheduled Care Conferences will be able to visit on Wednesdays.
o There is a maximum of two visitors per Resident.
o KN95 mask will be provided and must be worn properly at all times over your nose and mouth throughout the entirety of your visit.
o To ensure proper screening, our Main Entry will remain locked.
o Please be prepared to be screened for entry into JCMCF. Our screening includes, but is not limited to:
Your temperature will be taken.
Questions will be asked of you including any known exposure to COVID-19, any signs or symptoms, along with your contact information, and the name of the Resident you are visiting.
KN95 mask will be provided and must be worn properly at all times over your nose and mouth throughout the entirety of your visit. If you are not medically able to tolerate a mask you will not be able to participate in indoor visitation. This is a federal requirement set by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
o Refusal to comply with visitor screening or masking requirements will result in the visitor being asked to leave the facility.
o As a visitor there is no eating or drinking allowed during your visit, your loved one may eat or drink during the visit but your mask must remain in place for the entirety of your visit.
o There are multiple hand sanitizer stations throughout the building – please use them frequently.
Virtual visits are also available through Skype and Zoom and can be held as frequently as you and your loved one desire.
We ask that you please be patient with these rules. They are in place and must be maintained in order to continue visitation. If we all do our part by wearing the mask properly and using hand sanitizer, we hope to be able to continue unscheduled visitation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at info@jcmcf.com. Please note that email is monitored Monday through Friday during business hours.